Georges Garvarentz

Georges Garvarentz  1932-1993

by Philippe Loranchet 12 October 2023
Georges Garvarentz is perhaps one of the least talked about of the great French film composers. Paradoxically, however, he is the man who has had the most success in the top 50, with famous songs such as “Retiens la nuit” and “Pour Toi Arménie”. Of the same generation as Michel Legrand and Georges Delerue, he has composed the music for hundreds of films since the 60s.
by Yves Taillandier 17 October 2023
Maurice Coignard was Georges Garvarentz's closest collaborator for many years. As arranger and orchestrator on over 150 films, he continues to collaborate with France's leading composers. Invited to the “Écrans Sonores” Festival in Biarritz, he has drawn on this experience to write an educational book on the art and craft of composing and orchestrating film music. This unique work, with a preface by Gabriel Yared and Jean-Claude Petit, was published by Max Echig under the title “La Musique et l’Image”. Maurice Coignard was kind enough to invite us to talk about his profession and career.


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