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Quentin Billard

Evoquer  « Psycho », célèbre chef-d’oeuvre du cinéma américain signé Alfred  Hitchcock, sans tomber dans les superlatifs élogieux, une tâche guère  aisée, surtout quand on sait à quel point ce film a connu un succès  phénoménal et acquis une grande popularité qui continue de traverser les  générations, de nombreuses décennies plus tard. Juste après « North by  Northwest » (1959), Alfred Hitchcock s’était remis en quête d’un nouveau  projet pour son 47ème long-métrage mais n’avait toujours pas d’idée  précise au sujet du scénario. C’est au cours d’un voyage en avion que le  cinéaste lu alors un roman intitulé « Psycho » du romancier américain  Robert Bloch et su très vite qu’il tenait là le sujet de son prochain  film. Hitchcock se mit alors rapidement au travail et décida, pour des  questions purement techniques (et visuelles) que « Psycho » serait  entièrement tourné en noir et blanc, avec un budget assez modeste. Le  film raconte l’histoire de Marion Crane (Janet Leigh), une jeune femme  qui, lasse de l’existence terne qu’elle mène entre son travail monotone  et son amant sans le sou, décide de dérober les 40 000 dollars que son  patron lui avait demandé de déposer à la banque. Après s’être enfuie  avec l’argent, Marion prend sa voiture et commence à angoisser, paniquée  à l’idée de se faire prendre. Une pluie incessante l’oblige alors à  s’arrêter sur le chemin près d’un motel géré par le sympathique Norman  Bates (Anthony Perkins), qui doit supporter le caractère tyrannique de  sa mère qui vit à l’étage du dessus. Après avoir dîné en compagnie de  Norman, Marion retourne dans sa chambre dissimuler soigneusement  l’argent. Puis elle décide de prendre une douche pour se détendre, et  c’est le drame. Norman surgit et la poignarde à mort. 

Tout  a déjà été dis sur « Psycho ». Chef-d’oeuvre incontesté du 7ème art, le  film d’Alfred Hitchcock fut le tout premier thriller de l’histoire du  cinéma, une œuvre visionnaire qui traumatisa le public de 1960 par sa  très célèbre séquence d’anthologie cinématographique pure : le meurtre  dans la douche. C’était effectivement la première fois qu’un réalisateur  montrait une séquence de meurtre d’une façon aussi crue à l’époque, une  sacré prise de risque de la part du cinéaste lorsqu’on sait à quel  point Hollywood a toujours été contrôlé par les grands organismes de  censure américains (la MPAA) et le fameux Code Hays qui régissait la  plupart des productions cinématographiques de l’époque. Cette scène a  suffit à elle-même à faire rentrer « Psycho » dans la culture populaire,  constamment citée ou parodiée dans des tas de films ou de séries TV.  Quand à Anthony Perkins, son interprétation magistrale de Norman Bates  lui permit ainsi de se faire un nom dans le monde du cinéma, même si  curieusement, sa carrière ne décolla pas vraiment par la suite (Norman  Bates fut un rôle véritablement maudit pour l’acteur, qui lui colla à la  peau toute sa vie et l’empêcha de se voir proposer d’autres types de  rôle par la suite, chose qui finit par rendre fou l’acteur américain).  En bref, « Psycho » reste sans aucun doute l’un des films les plus  importants du monde du cinéma, un classique incontournable qui continue  encore de traverser les générations avec une aisance incroyable.

Bernard  Herrmann retrouva encore une fois Alfred Hitchcock après avoir écrit  les partitions de ses films precedents : « The Trouble with Harry »  (1955), « The Man Who Knew Too Much » (1956), « The Wrong Man » (1956), «  Vertigo » (1958) et « North by Northwest » (1959). Fidèle à son gout  pour des instrumentations bien souvent insolites et très personnelles,  Bernard Herrmann eut d’abord l’idée d’écrire la musique de « Psycho »  pour un orchestre à cordes seules, débarrassé des vents, des cuivres et  des percussions. Ce choix audacieux allait aussi de pair avec  l’utilisation du noir et blanc dans le film et renforçait le côté  monochrome des couleurs de l’image. En utilisant uniquement les couleurs  des instruments à cordes, Herrmann a bâtie une très solide partition  essentiellement basée sur le suspense et la tension. Ainsi, le film  s'ouvre au son du célèbre thème principal exposé aux cordes (« Prelude  »), une mélodie rapide et très rythmée reconnaissable à son motif de  notes rapides jouée en staccato, avec ses violoncelles/contrebasses en  ponctuation martelées de façon obsédante. Le jeu plus incisif des cordes  apporte un réel sentiment d’urgence et de danger alors que l’idée du  noir et blanc est déjà présente à l’écran : tandis que les titres  apparaissent progressivement (nom du réalisateur, noms des acteurs,  titre du film, etc.) sur un fond noir, des lignes blanches viennent  hacher l’écran de façon plutôt étrange. Le jeu incisif des cordes va  alors de paire avec ces lignes qui semblent évoquer un couteau coupant  l’écran en plusieurs segments, une astuce qui prouve encore une fois la  richesse inventive de la collaboration Hitchcock/Herrmann. A noter que  le thème principal se construit en réalité en deux phrases bien  distinctes, la première avec ses notes staccatos rapides, et la seconde,  plus contrastée, avec des notes plus longues jouées legato. Jouant  habilement sur l’idée du contraste, la forme bipartite du thème  principal d’Herrmann rappelle clairement le noir et le blanc des images :  encore une fois, très astucieux et bien trouvé de la part du  compositeur !

Le thème principal représente l'angoisse  paranoïaque et la peur de Marion Crane, morceau que l'on entend surtout  au début du film, lorsque le personnage incarné par Janet Leigh dérobe  l'argent que son directeur lui a confié et s’enfuit ensuite en voiture  (« Flight », « Patrol Car »). La peur de Marion d'être arrêtée par le  mystérieux policier qui la suit nous renvoie inexorablement à ce thème  angoissant, apportant une force tout particulière au film. On notera  d’ailleurs plusieurs passages très mystérieux entendus au début du film,  lorsque l'on voit Marion cacher son argent dans un journal, un morceau  de cordes plus mystérieux qui représente l'ambigüité du personnage. La  scène où l’on aperçoit Marion à l’hôtel au début du film (« City ») nous  permet aussi de retrouver une ambiance de cordes plus mystérieuse et  latente, essentiellement bâtie ici sur des harmonies modales plus  complexes et inquiétantes, dont le style rappelle beaucoup le fameux «  Divertimento pour cordes » de Bartok (sans aucun doute l'une des  inspirations majeures du compositeur pour la musique de « Psycho »).  Herrmann nous fait clairement comprendre que quelque chose de grave va  finir par arriver mais sans apporter encore à ce moment du film le  moindre sentiment d’agression ou de danger - d’où le caractère latent de  la musique dans cette scène. Des morceaux comme « Marion » ou « Marion  and Sam » paraissent refléter une mélancolie plus douce et distante,  liée à la psychologie du personnage de Jason Leigh. L’idée de la  tentation est même braillement suggérée avec l’apparition de notes plus  mouvantes dans le très psychologique « Temptation », une idée que l’on  retrouvera aussi dans « Package » avec son utilisation plus nuancée des  pizzicati. Cette idée de musique psychologique latente et sombre se  retrouve dans des morceaux tels que « Madhouse » ou « Peephole ».  Herrmann traduit même l’idée de l’obsession perverse de Norman Bates en  faisant revenir à plusieurs reprises les mêmes phrases musicales d’un  morceau à un autre. L’idée de la répétition est bel et bien au coeur  même de la partition de « Psycho ». Mais le score de Bernard Herrmann  doit surtout sa popularité à l’incroyable musique de la scène de la  douche, « Murder », pièce purement atonale et extrêmement organique, une  ambiance stressante et horrifique dans laquelle les glissandi suraigus  de cordes staccatos évoquent des cris stridents et terrifiants. Ces  glissandi suraigus évoquent aussi les coups de couteau qui s’avéreront  fatal pour la pauvre Marion Crane.

Le reste de la partition  d’Herrmann conserve une atmosphère tout à fait similaire, à la fois  pesante et macabre, conservant continuellement ce côté latent et  bouillonnant à la fois. On regrettera peut être, vers le milieu du film,  le manque de repère thématique évident, le thème principal étant très  peu utilisé vers le milieu et à la fin du film - à vrai dire, à partir  du moment où Marion se fait assassiner sous la douche, le thème  principal disparaît complètement, une idée originale et totalement  assumée par le compositeur dans le film. A noter que la partition  véhicule un sentiment de panique et de suspicion assez fort dans des  morceaux tels que « Water » ou « Clean Up », qui développent de façon  totalement similaire tout un jeu de trilles des cordes sur fond de notes  furtives particulièrement inquiétantes - on notera même que le tempo de  « Clean Up » est bien plus rapide que celui de « Water », accentuant  ici aussi la panique de Norman Bates qui cherche à faire disparaître le  corps de Marion Crane sans laisser la moindre trace derrière lui. La  musique devient alors plus angoissante et dissonante dans des morceaux  tels que « Swamp », « Porch » ou « First Floor », tandis que le  compositeur va même jusqu’à nous proposer une utilisation bien plus  avant-gardiste des cordes dans « Stairs », avec son lot de gargouillis  sonores de pizzicati aléatoires ou d’harmoniques des violons. La  partition aboutit à un climax plus enragé dans « Discovery » pour la  confrontation finale contre Norman Bates, dans lequel les cordes  s’avèrent être bien plus virtuoses, sans oublier le dissonant et  inquiétant « Finale » avec ses cordes aigues assez stressantes.

Malgré  le manque de relief d’un score monotone et répétitif totalement voulu  par le compositeur, le score de « Psycho » reste l’une des meilleures  partitions de Bernard Herrmann pour un film d’Alfred Hitchcock, une  partition extrêmement influente et un grand classique de la musique de  film, qui inspirera d’ailleurs bon nombre de compositeurs par la suite,  qui citeront constamment cette musique dans diverses oeuvres. Plus  intéressant encore, ce fut l’une des premières partitions orchestrales  de l’époque à nous proposer un style plus avant-gardiste et atonal à une  époque où le Golden Age hollywoodien était essentiellement soumis aux  lois de la musique néoclassique atonale. Certes, d’autres compositeurs  avaient déjà tenté ce genre d’expérience par le passé (Leonard Rosenman  en 1955 et sa partition dodécaphonique brumeuse pour « The Cobweb » de  Vincente Minnelli) mais Bernard Herrmann fut l’un des premiers à  officialiser vraiment ce type d’écriture plus moderne et « contemporaine  » pour un thriller à suspense de ce genre, une partition qui semble  avoir posé définitivement les codes de la musique à suspense, et à  laquelle la plupart des compositeurs se référeront automatiquement par  la suite. Indispensable, donc !

by Pascal Dupont 10 May, 2024
Charles Allan Gerhardt English version adapted by Doug Raynes - FRENCH VERSION AND COLLECTION had a reputation as a great conductor, record producer and musical arranger. His major work at RCA on the Classic Film Scores series earned him recognition from film music devotees of Hollywood’s Golden Age, as well as other renowned conductors of his day. Born on February 6, 1927 in Detroit, Michigan, Charles Gerhardt developed a passion for music and percussion instruments from an early age. At the age of five, he took piano lessons, and by the age of nine, had established a solid reputation as an orchestrator and composer. He spent his early school years in Little Rock, Arkansas, then after 10 years, having completed his schooling, moved with his family to Illinois for his military duties, he served in the U.S. Navy during World War II as a chaplain's aide in the Aleutian Islands, then became an active member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He went on to study at the University of Illinois, at the College of William and Mary, and later at the University of Southern California. Throughout his time at school Gerhardt was attracted not only to music, but also to the sciences. Passionate about the art of recording, he joined Westminster Records for five years, until the company ceased operations, and then joined Bell Sound. One day, he received a phone call from George Marek to meet with the heads of Reader's Digest, to discuss producing recordings for their mail-order record business; a contact that was to secure his musical future and a rich career spanning more than 30 years. Gerhardt's first job for Reader's Digest was to produce a record; “A Festival of Light Classical Music”; a 12 LP box set that he produced in full. One of Gerhardt's finest projects was the production of another 12 LP box set, “Les Trésores de la Grande Musique (Treasury of Great Music)”, featuring the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by some of the leading figures of the day: Charles Munch to Bizet and Tchaikovsky, Rudolf Kempe to Strauss and Respighi, Josef Krips to Mozart and Haydn, Antal Dorati to Strauss and Berlioz, Brahms 4th Symphony by Fritz Reiner and Sibelius’ 2nd Symphony by Sir John Barbirolli. In the 1950s he conducted works by Vladimir Horowitz, Wanda Landowska, Kirsten Flagstad and William Kapeli. In the early 1960s, Gerhardt lived in England, where he made most of his recordings, but kept a foothold in the United States, mainly in New York. Often, when he went to the United States after a period of recording sessions, he would stop off in Baltimore and spend some time listening to cassettes of his new recordings. Gerhardt loved percussion instruments, especially tam-tams. One of his favorite recordings was the Columbia mono disc of Scriabin's Poem of Ecstasy, with Dimitri Mitropoulos and the New York Philharmonic. He had great admiration and respect for the many conductors he worked with, starting with Arturo Toscanini, with whom he worked for several years before the Maestro's death. It was Toscanini who suggested that Gerhardt become a conductor, which he did! His career as an orchestra director began when he had to replace a conductor who failed to show up for rehearsals. It was a position he would later occupy for various recording sessions and occasional concerts. His classical recordings include works by Richard Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Ravel, Debussy, Walton and Howard Hanson. Hired by RCA Records, he transferred 78 rpm recordings of Enrico Caruso and other artists to 33 rpm. He took part in recordings by soprano singer Kirsten Flagstad and pianist Vladimir Horowitz. He worked with renowned conductors such as Fritz Reiner, Leopold Stokowski and Charles Munch, from whom he learned the tricks of the trade. Still at RCA, he assisted Arturo Toscanini, with whom he perfected his conducting skills. Then, in 1960, he produced recordings for RCA and Reader’s Digest in London, and joined forces with sound engineer Kenneth Wilkinson of Decca Records (RCA's European subsidiary), The two men got on very well and shared a passion for recording and sound quality, making an incredible number of recordings over a 30-year period. Also in 1960, RCA and Reader's Digest entrusted him with the production of a 12-disc LP box set entitled “ Lumière du Classique (A Festival of Light Classical Music) ”, sold exclusively by mail order. With a budget of $250,000, Gerhardt assumed total control of the project: repertoire, choice of orchestras and production. He recorded in London, Vienna and Paris, and hired such top names as Sir Adrian Boult, Massimo Freccia, Sir Alexander Gibson and René Leibowitz. The success of this project, in terms of both musical quality and sound, earned him recognition from his employers. Other projects of similar scope followed… A boxed set of Beethoven's symphonic works with René Leibowitz and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. A boxed set of Rachmaninoff's works for piano and orchestra with Earl Wild, Jascha Horenstein and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the above mentioned 12 LP disc set “Trésor de la Grande Musique (Treasury of Great Music)” with the Royal Philharmonic conducted by some of the greatest directors of the time: Fritz Reiner, Charles Munch, Rudolf Kempe, Sir John Barbirolli, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Antal Dorati and Jascha Horenstein, with whom Gerhardt had sympathized. In January 1964 in London, Gerhardt joined forces with Sidney Sax, instrumentalist and conductor, to form a freelance orchestra. This successful group went on to join the National Philharmonic Orchestra of London, an impressive line-up that would later become Jerry Goldsmith's orchestra of choice. With Peter Munves, head of RCA's classical division, he conceived the idea of recording an album devoted exclusively to the film music of Erich Wolfgang Korngold, one of his favorite composers. Enthusiastic about the project, Munves gave Gerhardt carte blanche, and was offered a helping hand by George Korngold, producer and son of the famous Viennese composer, who owned all the copies of his father's scores. The Adventure Began : The Sea Hawk: Classic Film Scores of Erich Wolfgang Korngold. For this first disc, Gerhardt selected 10 scores by Korngold, which he recorded in the Kingsway Hall Studio in London, renowned for its excellent acoustics. The disc thus benefits from optimal recording conditions, favoring at the same time the performances of the National Philharmonic (and its leader, Sidney Sax), a formidable orchestra made up of London's finest musicians and freelance soloists. Each album was recorded in the same studio, with Kenneth Wilkinson as sound engineer and George Korngold as consultant/producer. As soon as it was released, the album's success received strong acclaim in classical music circles and received a feature in Billboard No. 37, a first in this category in December 1972. It took no less than a year to sell the first 10,000 copies in all the specialist record suppliers and the album went on to sell over 38,000 copies, making it the fifth best-selling album in the “classical” category in 1973. On the strength of this success, Peter Munves and RCA entrusted Charles Gerhardt with the production of further discs devoted to other world-renowned composers of Hollywood music. The program includes several albums dedicated to Max Steiner and Erich Wolfgang Korngold plus one each to Miklos Rozsa, Franz Waxman, Dimitri Tiomkin and Bernard Herrmann, followed by 3 volumes associated with specific film stars such as Bette Davis, Errol Flynn and Humphrey Bogart. Then, a disc devoted to Alfred Newman, a composer who was a pillar of the famous Hollywood sound, who Gerhardt admired and had met: “Newman was a charming man, full of good humor. He was friendly, fun and always had a joke. With his eternal black cigar in hand, he was a composer by trade, down-to-earth, discussed little about himself but was a first-rate advisor in my life. “ Gerhardt would consult certain composers in advance about how to recreate suites from their works, or when this wasn't possible, he would rearrange the suites himself and submit them to the composers for approval. "Some critics complained that my suites were too short, but my aim in the case of each album was to present a well-split 'portrait' of the composer, highlighting his many creative facets". Although Korngold, Newman and Steiner were no longer around to lend their support, Gerhardt was lucky enough to still work with Herrmann, Rózsa and Tiomkin as consultants who turned up at the recording studio to lend a hand. Gerhardt also had the idea of creating albums focusing on a single film star. Three specific volumes were devoted to music from the films of Humphrey Bogart, Errol Flynn and Bette Davis. Although these albums suffer from too great a diversity of genres, they still offer the chance to hear and discover rare and previously unpublished compositions. The best conceived album was arguably the one devoted to Bette Davis. Conscious of the important role played by music in her films, the legendary actress took part in the conception of the album, knowing that it favored scores by Max Steiner designed for Warner Bros. The Collection Begins ! Gerhardt's passion for certain composers knows no bounds, but he soon envisages a disc devoted to Miklos Rozsa, including suites for “Spellbound” and “The Red House”, one of his favorite scores, which he will exhume to create one of the longest suites in the series. At the same time, he received various fan wish lists and films to watch, such as “The Four Feathers”, which he had never seen and which gave him the opportunity to discover a splendid score by Miklos Rozsa that he had never heard before. He was disappointed, however, not to be able to conceive a longer “Spellbound” sequel for rights reasons. Despite RCA's full approval, Gerhardt realized that it was not easy to record film music in its original form, as few were ever edited, played and made available for rental. For The Sea Hawks album, things were simpler, as Georges Korngold had copies of his father's scores, and Warner Bros had also archived material in good condition. From the outset, Gerhardt encountered other major problems in the search for and discovery of scores hidden away in other studios, often with the unpleasant surprise of discovering missing or incomplete conductors, or others heavily modified by orchestrators during recording sessions, or the surprise of discovering, in certain cases, instrumentation information noted in shorthand on the edges of the conductor score. For the disc dedicated to Max Steiner, for example, the conductor score for “King Kong” had disappeared from the RKO archives, having been shipped in 1950 to poorly maintained warehouses in Los Angeles where it had become totally degraded and illegible. With the help of Georges Korngold, Gerhardt was able to reconstruct a substantial suite from the piano models left by Steiner at the time. This experience was repeated when the conductor score for Dimitri Tiomkin's “The Thing” was discovered in the same warehouse, in an advanced state of disintegration. Fortunately for Gerhardt, Tiomkin, who was still alive, had been able to provide precise piano maquettes with orchestration information in shorthand, revealing a complex and highly innovative style of writing. Tiomkin always composed at the piano, inscribing very specific information and signs on the edges of the scores in pencil, an ingenious system of his own invention that was difficult to decipher. “Revisiting the score of ‘The Thing from Another World’ was a complex task, involving experimental passages and an unorthodox orchestra. You can understand that I had a huge job on my hands. When I approached the recording sessions, it was not without some trepidation. However, the composer present made no criticism or comment on my work, and was delighted. He was delighted.” For “Gone With The Wind”, Steiner was against the idea of remaking a complete soundtrack, as he felt that too many passages were repeated. It was an opportunity for him to revisit his own score, integrating his favorite melodies. This synthesis gave him the opportunity to revitalize his music by eliminating the least interesting parts of the score. Conceived as long suites or isolated themes, the discs reflect the essence of the composers' work. The “Classic Film Scores” series by Franz Waxman, Bernard Herrmann and Miklos Rozsa etc will become a big hit with collectors. For Gerhardt, this will be an opportunity to unearth forgotten or rare scores such as Herrmann's “The White Witch” and “On a Dangerous Ground”, Hugo Friedhofer's “The Sun Also Rises” and early recordings for Waxman's “Prince Valliant” and Rozsa's “The Red House”, all with new, impeccable acoustics. For “Elisabeth and Essex”, Erich Korngold had already prepared a suite in the form of an Overture, which was given its world premiere in a theater. The suite for “The Adventures of Robin Hood” also pre-existed. Franz Waxman created his own suite for “A Place in the Sun”, which was also performed in concert. Dimitri Tiomkin, Miklos Rozsa and Bernard Herrmann acted as consultants and contributed arrangements to their scores. For the continuation of “White Witch Doctor”, Bernard Herrman added percussion to link the different musical tableaux. He did the same for the different parts of “Citizen Kane”. Miklos Rozsa saw an opportunity to add a male choir to the suite from “The Jungle Book”, based on an idea by Charles Gerhardt. For the record dedicated to Errol Flynn, Gerhardt re-orchestrated the theme “The Lights of Paris” from Hugo Friedhofer's “The Sun also Rises”, as the original was no longer available. “I wanted to go back to that time and systematically explore the very substance of the great film scores of the late 30s and 40s, sending them back directly to their images as dramatic entities. The desire to rediscover tunes we know and to take into account the contexts in which they were originally used. I decided to recreate these scores with their original orchestrations, and this could only be done by returning to the ultimate sources, as the composers had originally conceived them.” Keen to open up the collection to other genres, such as science fiction, Gerhardt dedicated two further albums to the series in 1992. The first featured contemporary sequels to “Star Wars” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, promoting the work of John Williams, a leading composer of new film music. Then another called “The Spectacular World of Classic Film Scores”, presenting a disappointing compilation of scores that had already been recorded, except for the creation of a sequel to Dimitri Tiomkin's “The Thing From Another World” and Daniele Amfitheatrof's rarely heard theme “Dance of the Seven Voiles” from Salome. In 1978, the collection was published in Spain by RCA Cinema Treasures. In the USA and Europe, the Classic Film Scores LP series was reissued in the early 80s with a black art deco cover and colored star index. All Volumes in the First Series Were Reissued : By the end of the '80s, the series was running out of steam, and Charles Gerhardt planned to relaunch his collection with albums dedicated to famous American actresses, a new volume for Max Steiner and the Western, a volume reconstructing the score of Waxman's “The Bride of Frankenstein”, followed by volumes devoted to Alex North, Hugo Friedhofer, Victor Young and Elmer Bernstein... But RCA would not support Gerhardt in these projects, preferring to release the collection on CD for the first time. In early 1990, RCA asked Gerhardt to supervise and co-produce the collection, which he saw as an opportunity to revisit some of the volumes, inserting tracks that had not appeared on the LPs or extending certain suites. The volume devoted to Franz Waxman, “Sunset Boulevard”, was the first to be released. The CD did not benefit from any particular promotion, but sold very well, as did the other CDs that followed... A collection marked by a new design in silver pantone. The CDs series was reissued in 2010, still under the RCA Red Seal label, but distributed by Sony Music Entertainment. RCA Victor's Classic Films Scores series represents a unique collection in the history of film music recordings. 14 recordings of rare quality, produced by Georges Korngold and Charles Gerhardt to become one of the revelations of the reissue phenomenon. Other Concepts... Later, Gerhardt spent most of his time in London, continuing to make recordings. After retiring from RCA in 1986, he returned to independent work for Readers Digest and other record labels, a position he held in production and musical supervision until 1997. Since 1991 he had lived in Redding, California. In later years, he did not appear professionally, refusing all public invitations because of his desire to remain discreet. In his entourage he was close to three cousins, Lenore L Engel and Elizabeth Anne Schuetze, both living in San Antonio, and cousin Steven W Gerhardt of St. Pete Beach, Florida. In late November 1998 Charles Gerhardt was diagnosed with brain cancer and died of complications following surgery on February 22, 1999. He was 72 years old. Thus ends this tribute to Charles Gerhardt and the most famous collection of film music records: The Classic Film Scores series.
by Doug Raynes 24 Jan, 2024
Following on from Tadlow’s epic recording of El Cid, the same team – Nic Raine conducting and James Fitzpatrick producing – have turned their attention to a completely different type of epic film for the definitive recording of Ernest Gold’s Academy Award winning score for Otto Preminger’s Exodus (1960). The score is something of a revelation because aside from the main theme, the music has received little attention through recordings. Additionally the sound quality of the original soundtrack LP was disappointing and much music was deleted or cut from the film.
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