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Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ

Quentin Billard

Célèbre péplum de William Wyler et classique mythique du cinéma  américain de 1959, Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ s’inspire du roman  du général américain Lew Wallace écrit en 1880 et adapté à l’origine au  théâtre en 1899 avant d’être porté une première fois au cinéma en 1926,  réalisé par Fred Niblo - qui avait alors parmi ses assistants de  l'époque un très jeune William Wyler. Ironie du sort, ce sera le même  Wyler qui, quelques décennies plus tard, adaptera à son tour la pièce en  un grand film épique et spectaculaire dépassant les 3h30. Ben-Hur : A  Tale of the Christ raconte l’histoire célèbre de Judas Ben-Hur  (formidable Charlton Heston dans le plus grand rôle de toute sa carrière  !), prince de Judée qui va défier un jour son ancien ami d'enfance le  tribun romain Messala (Stephen Boyd) pour avoir fait emprisonner  injustement sa mère et sa soeur à la suite d'un incident que Ben-Hur n'a  pas commis. Jeté dans les galères des prisonniers, Ben-Hur réussit à  s'échapper lors d'une attaque de pirates et retourne à Rome pour  accomplir sa vengeance. Il y retrouve sa fiancée Esther (Haya Harareet)  et affronte finalement Messala lors d’une course de char qui vire au  drame. Piétiné et écrasé par ses chevaux, Messala agonise sur son lit de  mort et annonce alors à Ben-Hur que sa mère et sa soeur ont attrapé la  lèpre, une maladie inguérissable à cette époque. Esther, la fiancée de  Ben-Hur, lui affirme alors connaître un homme capable de les guérir, cet  homme n’étant nul autre que Jésus Christ. Mais Ponce Pilate vient tout  juste de le condamner à mort, et il est désormais trop tard. Près de 40  ans plus tard, Ben-Hur reste toujours aussi spectaculaire et  imposant. La légendaire course de chars vers le milieu du film demeure  encore aujourd’hui un pur moment d'anthologie cinématographique, comme  le film en lui-même d'ailleurs. Il faut dire que Ben-Hur était à  l'époque le film de tous les records : un budget colossal de 15 millions  de dollars (énorme pour l'époque), des formats techniques innovants  pour l'époque - filmé en Panavision avec un négatif d’origine au format  large de 65mm, 4 mois de tournage pour filmer l'inoubliable course de  chars, une authentique galère romaine entièrement reconstruite dans son  intégralité, près de 40 scripts écrits à l'origine, 400000 figurants qui  apparaissent dans le film et un triomphe monumental lors de la remise  des Oscars en 1960 avec 12 nominations, 11 Oscars et 4 Golden Globes -  un record ex-æquo avec Titanic et Lord of the Rings : Return of  the King. Le film permit alors de sauver financièrement la MGM qui  était à cette époque au bord de la faillite, et reste encore aujourd’hui  considéré comme l’un des plus grands films de tous les temps.

Légendaire  compositeur de l'âge d'or hollywoodien, Miklos Rozsa a accompli un  travail colossal sur Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ. Plus qu'une  simple partition musicale pour un péplum, Rozsa a dû mener un véritable  travail d’historien de la musique pour tenter de se rapprocher le plus  possible du contexte musical de l’époque à laquelle se déroule le film.  Utilisant bien évidemment toutes les ressources d’un grand orchestre  symphonique, Miklos Rozsa a construit une partition colossale autour  d’une poignée de grands thèmes nombreux véhiculés à travers tout le  film. Les nombreuses séquences spectaculaires ne manquent pas dans cette  musique :  la naissance de Jésus, la parade des chars avant la course,  les marches romaines, la bataille des galères, la victoire de Ben-Hur à  la course des chars (on sent d’ailleurs ici les influences de la musique  de Rozsa sur l’esthétique des Star Wars de John Williams), la  sinistre séquence funèbre du chemin de croix de Jésus sans oublier le  magnifique final du film avec le miracle de la pluie qui purifie les  visages de Miriam et Tirzah après la mort du Christ sur la croix : que  de moments inoubliables qui, musicalement, sont portés par chaque note  du compositeur avec une certaine grâce et un lyrisme classique constant.

L'ouverture  de Ben-Hur reste tout bonnement imposante. Elle nous plonge  d’emblée dans l'ambiance épique du film de William Wyler. Miklos Rozsa  utilise une technique musicale qui deviendra systématiquement associé  aux Romains dans le film, c'est-à-dire l’utilisation de quintes  parallèles, un intervalle aux consonances médiévales/archaïques que  l'harmonie classique moderne interdit ensuite dans ses traités. Ainsi,  toutes les nombreuses fanfares qu'a écrit Rozsa pour les marches  romaines sont basées autour de ce principe de quinte à vide en  parallèle, qui résonnent avec une certaine dureté et une rigidité  évoquant non seulement l'aspect historique de l'époque mais aussi la  suprématie de l’empire romain. Ces marches pompeuses apportent un côté  cérémonial, martial et spectaculaire à la partition de Rozsa. Elles  demeurent très imposantes, en particulier grâce à un pupitre de cuivres  très utilisé pour le caractère guerrier/militaire des fanfares (qui  évoquent à maintes reprises Richard Wagner !). L'ouverture annonce alors  d’emblée le thème de Ben-Hur après une fanfare très cuivrée nous  plongeant directement dans l'ambiance du film. Le thème décrit en  réalité la soif de vengeance de Ben-Hur, justifiant alors son côté dur  et déterminé. Puis, pour l’inévitable séquence de l’épilogue, on assiste  à la naissance du Christ. Miklos Rozsa annonce alors ici le deuxième  grand thème de sa partition, le thème des rois mages, mélodie  majestueuse aux accents populaires interprété magnifiquement ici par les  cordes dans toute leur splendeur, et associé dans le film au miracle  que représente la naissance de Jésus Christ sur terre.

Ben-Hur s’impose tout au long de l’écoute par la richesse et la variété de ses  différentes émotions. Emerveillement avec la naissance du Christ et les  rois mages, tristesse avec les moments dramatiques où Miriam et Tirzah  sont devenus lépreuses et doivent se cacher dans la vallée des lépreux,  séquence qui suggère toute l'amertume et la haine au coeur de Ben-Hur,  mais aussi passages plus romantiques entre Ben-Hur et Esther - des  passages qui restent toujours très stéréotypés et conventionnels, mais  en tout cas parfaitement écrit dans un style postromantique 19èmiste du  plus bel effet ! Reste que la partie guerrière est toujours aussi  imposante : le défilé des chars s’avère être très prenant, avec cette  longue marche cuivrée, sans oublier l'excitante bataille des galères -  autre passage incontournable de la partition de Ben-Hur ! A ce  propos, Rozsa introduit d’ailleurs cette séquence au son d’un rythme  martial enlevé qui rappelle beaucoup le fameux « Mars » des « Planètes »  de Gustav Holst (référence musicale incontournable au cinéma américain  !). Cette excellente séquence musicale est suivie des coups de marteaux  censés apporter le rythme aux rameurs de la galère afin de faire avancer  le bateau. La musique de Rozsa suit alors astucieusement dans ce  passage le rythme des marteaux, n'hésitant pas à devenir de plus en plus  tendue voire stressante alors que les rythmes de marteaux s'accélèrent  pour la vitesse d'attaque. Reste que la bataille des galères est un  moment d'action incroyablement excitant, d’une puissance redoutable -  autant à l’écran que sur l’album - un grand moment de musique en somme !

Miklos  Rozsa utilise d'autres thèmes tout au long de sa partition. On retrouve  ainsi l'inévitable « Love Theme » lyrique et sirupeux, celui de la  vengeance de Ben-Hur mais aussi un thème aux consonances juives pour  illustrer le retour de Ben-Hur à Jérusalem, lorsqu'il revient chez lui  en Judée. La thématique de la partition de Ben-Hur demeure solide,  riche et inspirée, magnifiquement construite, équilibrée et bien amenée.  On retrouve à travers tout ces thèmes les principales idées du film :  la vengeance, la passion, la lutte, la ferveur, et ce même si le point  le plus important de l'oeuvre de Rozsa reste sans aucun doute  l’incroyable reconstitution historique que le musicien a fait à partir  d'une écriture symphonique très stylée (et aussi très stéréotypée !) qui  impose une vision musicale colossale et titanesque de l'empire Romain à  l'époque de Ben-Hur, une vision musicale qui ne pouvait naître qu’à  travers les pages de l’un des plus grands maîtres du Golden Age  hollywoodien. La dernière partie du film, celle concernant les deux  lépreuses (la mère et la soeur de Ben-Hur) s’avère être radicalement  plus sombre. Miklos Rozsa fait alors appel à des cordes amples et denses  afin de retranscrire de manière très sombre la souffrance de Ben-Hur et  celle de Miriam et Tirzah. La musique commence à résonner de façon  particulièrement sombre et dramatique après le passage où le geôlier  trouve Miriam et Tirzah au fond de leur cellule, devenues lépreuses. La  musique devient alors quasiment terrifiante. La musique de la séquence  dans la vallée des lépreux reste désespérée, sombre, dramatique. Rozsa  utilise le pupitre des cordes agrémentées de couleurs tragiques et  sombres que le compositeur obtient par exemple en utilisant un jeu  d'harmoniques sur les cordes du plus bel effet.

Mais la véritable  surprise de la partition de Ben-Hur reste sans aucun doute la  superbe finale du film. Alors que le Christ meurt sur sa croix après  avoir été crucifié, un terrible orage se déclenche. La pluie tombe et  coule sur Miriam et Tirzah qui, miraculeusement, sont guéries de la  lèpre. Cette séquence est évidemment symbolique : elle représente le  pouvoir de la foi en Dieu. Le miracle de la guérison est une sorte de  cadeau du ciel pour récompenser cette foi poignante, la pluie ruisselant  sur le sol étant ici aussi un élément symbolique, image de l'eau qui  purifie, qui lave les souillures, qui nettoie l'homme de ses pêchés. Et  pour illustrer ce miracle, Miklos Rozsa utilise alors un choeur  grandiose au milieu de l'orchestre afin de conférer à cette scène un  caractère religieux indissociable de cette grande conclusion, une coda  grandiose, véritable hymne aux miracles divins - à noter qu’il était de  coutume à cette époque de conclure la plupart des péplums bibliques sur  des choeurs religieux !

Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ reste  au final une partition immense et démesurée, aux orchestrations  magnifiques, servie par ses cuivres imposants et ses cordes lyriques  typiques de Miklos Rozsa, illustrant la puissance de l'empire romain et  de ses puissantes légions de centurions. Le compositeur nous offre sur  le film de William Wyler une excellente reconstitution musicale de  l’histoire à travers un style symphonique emprunté au répertoire  postromantique allemand du 19ème siècle (Wagner, Strauss, Mahler), une  approche conventionnelle et stéréotypée pour l’époque qui peut paraître  aujourd’hui un peu datée, mais qui s’adaptait pourtant à merveille à la  richesse visuelle et à la virtuosité technique de la superproduction de  William Wyler. Quoiqu'il en soit, Ben-Hur : A Tale of the Christ  restera à jamais une oeuvre majeure dans le monde de la musique de film,  un chef-d'oeuvre épique et classique de l'âge d'or hollywoodien où tous  les moyens étaient bons pour imposer à l’écran une écriture symphonique  resplendissante et flamboyante, chose devenue beaucoup plus rare de nos  jours. Un chef-d'oeuvre incontournable de la musique de film, tout  simplement !

by Pascal Dupont 10 May, 2024
Charles Allan Gerhardt English version adapted by Doug Raynes - FRENCH VERSION AND COLLECTION had a reputation as a great conductor, record producer and musical arranger. His major work at RCA on the Classic Film Scores series earned him recognition from film music devotees of Hollywood’s Golden Age, as well as other renowned conductors of his day. Born on February 6, 1927 in Detroit, Michigan, Charles Gerhardt developed a passion for music and percussion instruments from an early age. At the age of five, he took piano lessons, and by the age of nine, had established a solid reputation as an orchestrator and composer. He spent his early school years in Little Rock, Arkansas, then after 10 years, having completed his schooling, moved with his family to Illinois for his military duties, he served in the U.S. Navy during World War II as a chaplain's aide in the Aleutian Islands, then became an active member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He went on to study at the University of Illinois, at the College of William and Mary, and later at the University of Southern California. Throughout his time at school Gerhardt was attracted not only to music, but also to the sciences. Passionate about the art of recording, he joined Westminster Records for five years, until the company ceased operations, and then joined Bell Sound. One day, he received a phone call from George Marek to meet with the heads of Reader's Digest, to discuss producing recordings for their mail-order record business; a contact that was to secure his musical future and a rich career spanning more than 30 years. Gerhardt's first job for Reader's Digest was to produce a record; “A Festival of Light Classical Music”; a 12 LP box set that he produced in full. One of Gerhardt's finest projects was the production of another 12 LP box set, “Les Trésores de la Grande Musique (Treasury of Great Music)”, featuring the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by some of the leading figures of the day: Charles Munch to Bizet and Tchaikovsky, Rudolf Kempe to Strauss and Respighi, Josef Krips to Mozart and Haydn, Antal Dorati to Strauss and Berlioz, Brahms 4th Symphony by Fritz Reiner and Sibelius’ 2nd Symphony by Sir John Barbirolli. In the 1950s he conducted works by Vladimir Horowitz, Wanda Landowska, Kirsten Flagstad and William Kapeli. In the early 1960s, Gerhardt lived in England, where he made most of his recordings, but kept a foothold in the United States, mainly in New York. Often, when he went to the United States after a period of recording sessions, he would stop off in Baltimore and spend some time listening to cassettes of his new recordings. Gerhardt loved percussion instruments, especially tam-tams. One of his favorite recordings was the Columbia mono disc of Scriabin's Poem of Ecstasy, with Dimitri Mitropoulos and the New York Philharmonic. He had great admiration and respect for the many conductors he worked with, starting with Arturo Toscanini, with whom he worked for several years before the Maestro's death. It was Toscanini who suggested that Gerhardt become a conductor, which he did! His career as an orchestra director began when he had to replace a conductor who failed to show up for rehearsals. It was a position he would later occupy for various recording sessions and occasional concerts. His classical recordings include works by Richard Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Ravel, Debussy, Walton and Howard Hanson. Hired by RCA Records, he transferred 78 rpm recordings of Enrico Caruso and other artists to 33 rpm. He took part in recordings by soprano singer Kirsten Flagstad and pianist Vladimir Horowitz. He worked with renowned conductors such as Fritz Reiner, Leopold Stokowski and Charles Munch, from whom he learned the tricks of the trade. Still at RCA, he assisted Arturo Toscanini, with whom he perfected his conducting skills. Then, in 1960, he produced recordings for RCA and Reader’s Digest in London, and joined forces with sound engineer Kenneth Wilkinson of Decca Records (RCA's European subsidiary), The two men got on very well and shared a passion for recording and sound quality, making an incredible number of recordings over a 30-year period. Also in 1960, RCA and Reader's Digest entrusted him with the production of a 12-disc LP box set entitled “ Lumière du Classique (A Festival of Light Classical Music) ”, sold exclusively by mail order. With a budget of $250,000, Gerhardt assumed total control of the project: repertoire, choice of orchestras and production. He recorded in London, Vienna and Paris, and hired such top names as Sir Adrian Boult, Massimo Freccia, Sir Alexander Gibson and René Leibowitz. The success of this project, in terms of both musical quality and sound, earned him recognition from his employers. Other projects of similar scope followed… A boxed set of Beethoven's symphonic works with René Leibowitz and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. A boxed set of Rachmaninoff's works for piano and orchestra with Earl Wild, Jascha Horenstein and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the above mentioned 12 LP disc set “Trésor de la Grande Musique (Treasury of Great Music)” with the Royal Philharmonic conducted by some of the greatest directors of the time: Fritz Reiner, Charles Munch, Rudolf Kempe, Sir John Barbirolli, Sir Malcolm Sargent, Antal Dorati and Jascha Horenstein, with whom Gerhardt had sympathized. In January 1964 in London, Gerhardt joined forces with Sidney Sax, instrumentalist and conductor, to form a freelance orchestra. This successful group went on to join the National Philharmonic Orchestra of London, an impressive line-up that would later become Jerry Goldsmith's orchestra of choice. With Peter Munves, head of RCA's classical division, he conceived the idea of recording an album devoted exclusively to the film music of Erich Wolfgang Korngold, one of his favorite composers. Enthusiastic about the project, Munves gave Gerhardt carte blanche, and was offered a helping hand by George Korngold, producer and son of the famous Viennese composer, who owned all the copies of his father's scores. The Adventure Began : The Sea Hawk: Classic Film Scores of Erich Wolfgang Korngold. For this first disc, Gerhardt selected 10 scores by Korngold, which he recorded in the Kingsway Hall Studio in London, renowned for its excellent acoustics. The disc thus benefits from optimal recording conditions, favoring at the same time the performances of the National Philharmonic (and its leader, Sidney Sax), a formidable orchestra made up of London's finest musicians and freelance soloists. Each album was recorded in the same studio, with Kenneth Wilkinson as sound engineer and George Korngold as consultant/producer. As soon as it was released, the album's success received strong acclaim in classical music circles and received a feature in Billboard No. 37, a first in this category in December 1972. It took no less than a year to sell the first 10,000 copies in all the specialist record suppliers and the album went on to sell over 38,000 copies, making it the fifth best-selling album in the “classical” category in 1973. On the strength of this success, Peter Munves and RCA entrusted Charles Gerhardt with the production of further discs devoted to other world-renowned composers of Hollywood music. The program includes several albums dedicated to Max Steiner and Erich Wolfgang Korngold plus one each to Miklos Rozsa, Franz Waxman, Dimitri Tiomkin and Bernard Herrmann, followed by 3 volumes associated with specific film stars such as Bette Davis, Errol Flynn and Humphrey Bogart. Then, a disc devoted to Alfred Newman, a composer who was a pillar of the famous Hollywood sound, who Gerhardt admired and had met: “Newman was a charming man, full of good humor. He was friendly, fun and always had a joke. With his eternal black cigar in hand, he was a composer by trade, down-to-earth, discussed little about himself but was a first-rate advisor in my life. “ Gerhardt would consult certain composers in advance about how to recreate suites from their works, or when this wasn't possible, he would rearrange the suites himself and submit them to the composers for approval. "Some critics complained that my suites were too short, but my aim in the case of each album was to present a well-split 'portrait' of the composer, highlighting his many creative facets". Although Korngold, Newman and Steiner were no longer around to lend their support, Gerhardt was lucky enough to still work with Herrmann, Rózsa and Tiomkin as consultants who turned up at the recording studio to lend a hand. Gerhardt also had the idea of creating albums focusing on a single film star. Three specific volumes were devoted to music from the films of Humphrey Bogart, Errol Flynn and Bette Davis. Although these albums suffer from too great a diversity of genres, they still offer the chance to hear and discover rare and previously unpublished compositions. The best conceived album was arguably the one devoted to Bette Davis. Conscious of the important role played by music in her films, the legendary actress took part in the conception of the album, knowing that it favored scores by Max Steiner designed for Warner Bros. The Collection Begins ! Gerhardt's passion for certain composers knows no bounds, but he soon envisages a disc devoted to Miklos Rozsa, including suites for “Spellbound” and “The Red House”, one of his favorite scores, which he will exhume to create one of the longest suites in the series. At the same time, he received various fan wish lists and films to watch, such as “The Four Feathers”, which he had never seen and which gave him the opportunity to discover a splendid score by Miklos Rozsa that he had never heard before. He was disappointed, however, not to be able to conceive a longer “Spellbound” sequel for rights reasons. Despite RCA's full approval, Gerhardt realized that it was not easy to record film music in its original form, as few were ever edited, played and made available for rental. For The Sea Hawks album, things were simpler, as Georges Korngold had copies of his father's scores, and Warner Bros had also archived material in good condition. From the outset, Gerhardt encountered other major problems in the search for and discovery of scores hidden away in other studios, often with the unpleasant surprise of discovering missing or incomplete conductors, or others heavily modified by orchestrators during recording sessions, or the surprise of discovering, in certain cases, instrumentation information noted in shorthand on the edges of the conductor score. For the disc dedicated to Max Steiner, for example, the conductor score for “King Kong” had disappeared from the RKO archives, having been shipped in 1950 to poorly maintained warehouses in Los Angeles where it had become totally degraded and illegible. With the help of Georges Korngold, Gerhardt was able to reconstruct a substantial suite from the piano models left by Steiner at the time. This experience was repeated when the conductor score for Dimitri Tiomkin's “The Thing” was discovered in the same warehouse, in an advanced state of disintegration. Fortunately for Gerhardt, Tiomkin, who was still alive, had been able to provide precise piano maquettes with orchestration information in shorthand, revealing a complex and highly innovative style of writing. Tiomkin always composed at the piano, inscribing very specific information and signs on the edges of the scores in pencil, an ingenious system of his own invention that was difficult to decipher. “Revisiting the score of ‘The Thing from Another World’ was a complex task, involving experimental passages and an unorthodox orchestra. You can understand that I had a huge job on my hands. When I approached the recording sessions, it was not without some trepidation. However, the composer present made no criticism or comment on my work, and was delighted. He was delighted.” For “Gone With The Wind”, Steiner was against the idea of remaking a complete soundtrack, as he felt that too many passages were repeated. It was an opportunity for him to revisit his own score, integrating his favorite melodies. This synthesis gave him the opportunity to revitalize his music by eliminating the least interesting parts of the score. Conceived as long suites or isolated themes, the discs reflect the essence of the composers' work. The “Classic Film Scores” series by Franz Waxman, Bernard Herrmann and Miklos Rozsa etc will become a big hit with collectors. For Gerhardt, this will be an opportunity to unearth forgotten or rare scores such as Herrmann's “The White Witch” and “On a Dangerous Ground”, Hugo Friedhofer's “The Sun Also Rises” and early recordings for Waxman's “Prince Valliant” and Rozsa's “The Red House”, all with new, impeccable acoustics. For “Elisabeth and Essex”, Erich Korngold had already prepared a suite in the form of an Overture, which was given its world premiere in a theater. The suite for “The Adventures of Robin Hood” also pre-existed. Franz Waxman created his own suite for “A Place in the Sun”, which was also performed in concert. Dimitri Tiomkin, Miklos Rozsa and Bernard Herrmann acted as consultants and contributed arrangements to their scores. For the continuation of “White Witch Doctor”, Bernard Herrman added percussion to link the different musical tableaux. He did the same for the different parts of “Citizen Kane”. Miklos Rozsa saw an opportunity to add a male choir to the suite from “The Jungle Book”, based on an idea by Charles Gerhardt. For the record dedicated to Errol Flynn, Gerhardt re-orchestrated the theme “The Lights of Paris” from Hugo Friedhofer's “The Sun also Rises”, as the original was no longer available. “I wanted to go back to that time and systematically explore the very substance of the great film scores of the late 30s and 40s, sending them back directly to their images as dramatic entities. The desire to rediscover tunes we know and to take into account the contexts in which they were originally used. I decided to recreate these scores with their original orchestrations, and this could only be done by returning to the ultimate sources, as the composers had originally conceived them.” Keen to open up the collection to other genres, such as science fiction, Gerhardt dedicated two further albums to the series in 1992. The first featured contemporary sequels to “Star Wars” and “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, promoting the work of John Williams, a leading composer of new film music. Then another called “The Spectacular World of Classic Film Scores”, presenting a disappointing compilation of scores that had already been recorded, except for the creation of a sequel to Dimitri Tiomkin's “The Thing From Another World” and Daniele Amfitheatrof's rarely heard theme “Dance of the Seven Voiles” from Salome. In 1978, the collection was published in Spain by RCA Cinema Treasures. In the USA and Europe, the Classic Film Scores LP series was reissued in the early 80s with a black art deco cover and colored star index. All Volumes in the First Series Were Reissued : By the end of the '80s, the series was running out of steam, and Charles Gerhardt planned to relaunch his collection with albums dedicated to famous American actresses, a new volume for Max Steiner and the Western, a volume reconstructing the score of Waxman's “The Bride of Frankenstein”, followed by volumes devoted to Alex North, Hugo Friedhofer, Victor Young and Elmer Bernstein... But RCA would not support Gerhardt in these projects, preferring to release the collection on CD for the first time. In early 1990, RCA asked Gerhardt to supervise and co-produce the collection, which he saw as an opportunity to revisit some of the volumes, inserting tracks that had not appeared on the LPs or extending certain suites. The volume devoted to Franz Waxman, “Sunset Boulevard”, was the first to be released. The CD did not benefit from any particular promotion, but sold very well, as did the other CDs that followed... A collection marked by a new design in silver pantone. The CDs series was reissued in 2010, still under the RCA Red Seal label, but distributed by Sony Music Entertainment. RCA Victor's Classic Films Scores series represents a unique collection in the history of film music recordings. 14 recordings of rare quality, produced by Georges Korngold and Charles Gerhardt to become one of the revelations of the reissue phenomenon. Other Concepts... Later, Gerhardt spent most of his time in London, continuing to make recordings. After retiring from RCA in 1986, he returned to independent work for Readers Digest and other record labels, a position he held in production and musical supervision until 1997. Since 1991 he had lived in Redding, California. In later years, he did not appear professionally, refusing all public invitations because of his desire to remain discreet. In his entourage he was close to three cousins, Lenore L Engel and Elizabeth Anne Schuetze, both living in San Antonio, and cousin Steven W Gerhardt of St. Pete Beach, Florida. In late November 1998 Charles Gerhardt was diagnosed with brain cancer and died of complications following surgery on February 22, 1999. He was 72 years old. Thus ends this tribute to Charles Gerhardt and the most famous collection of film music records: The Classic Film Scores series.
by Doug Raynes 24 Jan, 2024
Following on from Tadlow’s epic recording of El Cid, the same team – Nic Raine conducting and James Fitzpatrick producing – have turned their attention to a completely different type of epic film for the definitive recording of Ernest Gold’s Academy Award winning score for Otto Preminger’s Exodus (1960). The score is something of a revelation because aside from the main theme, the music has received little attention through recordings. Additionally the sound quality of the original soundtrack LP was disappointing and much music was deleted or cut from the film.
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